
I Love Things.

I have a constant battle trying to keep things from being too cluttered. My problem? I love things, stuff, and watchamacallits. I love it all. I am constantly asking myself, "Where can I put this thing?" For the most part I am pretty good, but my husband recently told me (after I came home from the flea market with another 'thing' (meaning that beautiful barnacle cluster) to put on top of books, that the house was looking cluttered. I guess my problem is that I like that look. I think it looks more lived in and more like my home. Don't get me wrong, I adore a clean and fresh looking space, but I just cannot seem to escape my personal love for cool stuff.

I want this glass thing.
Picture via Pink Wallpaper

Books stacked on the floor look chic.

What is this thing in this box that Eddie Ross has? I want one too!
Picture via Lonny

Books and baskets and treasures...Oh my!
Picture via Delight by Design

A pile of purses.

Stuff piled on a mantle. Yes please!
Picture via Design*Sponge