On the day after Thanksgiving my hubs and I went here:

Where we found the perfect tree.

We gave him a new cut so he could stand up straight and get fresh water easily.

Then we covered him in twinkling lights and beautiful ornaments and he was the best tree we had ever had...UNTIL...

All Pictures via Rebecca June
He started to stink up the place.
What the hell tree? What did we ever do to you?
I came home and my house smelled. I could not figure out what it was, just that it was ripe. Guess who? Tree.
So now, until the weekend when my hubs and I both have a free moment we will have a stinky house. Not to mention, we have to take down all the ornaments and the lights and drag the sucker out of here.
Then I am left without a tree for the holidays.
Luckily, my mom is letting me borrow here 'extra' tree. It is a silver tinsel tree. It will be a fun change, but I have a feeling this was the last year until kids come that a live (or in this case rotten) tree will be in my house.